
Welcome page of COPAIA 7


The 7th Meeting of the Pan American Commission for Food Safety (COPAIA 7) will be held in Asuncion, Paraguay, on 20 July 2016.

During the meeting, representatives of the subregions of the COPAIA 7, in accordance with its mandate, will analyze the advances in the development of the Regional Plan for Technical Cooperation in Food Safety in accordance with the mandates of the directives bodies of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), will address issues related to antimicrobial resistance, nutritional quality of food and the importance of the risk analysis as the platform to support publics policies decisions in food safety without interfering with international trade. Also will be discussed terms of reference of the Commission to propose a new governance.

The COPAIA 7 recommendations will be presented to the Ministers participating in the 17th Inter-American Ministerial Meeting on Health and Agriculture (RIMSA 17), which will be held in the same place on 21 and 22 July, to promote political decision strengthen inter alia, programs of food safety in the region of the Americas.
The purpose of COPAIA is to improve the food safety throughout the food chain maintaining the political will of the countries of the Region to develop programs of food safety and promoting intersectoral coordination and integration with producers and consumers.

To achieve this, this Committee, is composed of the Ministers of health and of agriculture, and representatives of the food producer and consumers sector of the Americas, of the following subregions: North America, Andean, Caribbean, Mesoamerica and Latin Caribbean and Southern Cone.

The Veterinary Public Health Unit/Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center (PANAFTOSA) of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) organizes the COPAIA 7 meeting, with the support and sponsorship of the Paraguay Government (Government of Paraguay), through the Ministries of Public Health and Social Welfare (MSPBS), Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), for Foreign Affairs (MRE), and the National Service of Quality and Animal Health (SENACSA).
