
Welcome to the COSALFA 39

The 39th Ordinary Meeting of South American Commission for the Fight Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease (COSALFA) will be held in the city of Asuncion, Paraguay, 10 and 11 May 2012.

At that time, COSALFA will, in compliance with its mandate, review the foot-and-mouth disease situation in light of recent events in South America and consider future actions to be carried out for implementing the 2011-2020 Action Plan PHEFA in each country of the region, with a view to reinforcing the fight against the disease in South America.

Prior to COSALFA 39 and at the same location, an INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR on “The eradication process and the challenges of maintaining a Foot-and-Mouth Disease free status”, will be held 7 and 8 May 2012. For this seminar’s edition we are offering the opportunity for the presentation of papers related to the subject in a display session, according to the Rules fot submitting papers.


COSALFA 39 is promoted by the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center e  (PANAFTOSA) of the Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization  Salud  (PAHO/WHO), with the support of the Government of Paraguay through its National Quality and Animal Health (SENACSAand Paraguay's Rural Asociation (ARP).
