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Presentations of Seminar Pre-Cosalfa 


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MONDAY, 29 April 2019
Opening of the Seminar Deyanira Barrero, General Manager of the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), Colombia
Ottorino Cosivi, Director, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO
Outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in Colombia - Year 2018
Moderator: Alejandro Rivera, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO

1.1 FMD Outbreak 2018 and control Alfonso Araujo, Technical Director of Animal Epidemiology, ICA, Colombia
1.2 Strategy for the restitution and maintenance of the free status Alfonso Araujo, Technical Director of Animal Epidemiology, ICA, Colombia
1.3 Detection and Control of Smuggling: An integrated border risk management effort General Juan Carlos Buitrago, Director of the Fiscal and Customs Police - Colombia
1.4 The role of the private sector in the recovery and maintenance of FMD free status in Colombia Carlos Osorio, Technical Director of FEDEGAN, Colombia
Follow up of the Technical Guide for the last stage of PHEFA
Moderator: Alejandro Rivera, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO

2.1 Risk Management for Vulnerability Reduction:
Experience of the IDB/PVC Project
Alejandro Rivera, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO
2.2 Studies of post-vaccination immunity as a tool to identify situations of vulnerability for the viral transmission Manuel Sánchez Vásquez, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO
2.3 Evaluation of Components of the FMD Surveillance System: Case – Uruguay Javier Sánchez, Atlantic Veterinary College, UPEI, Canada
2.4 Bovine Movements Network and Risk of FMD Propagation in Colombia Fausto Moreno, National University of Colombia
TUESDAY, 30 April 2019
Contribution of the diagnostic laboratory to the control and surveillance of FMD
Moderator: Alejandro Rivera, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO

3.1 The current role of a national reference laboratory in an FMD emergency Jairo Oviedo, Technical Director Veterinary Analysis and Diagnostic, ICA, Colombia
3.2 International Reference Laboratory: Why and what for Maristela Pituco, Reference Laboratory PANAFTOSA-OPS/OMS
 3.3 New serological tools for the detection of non-structural antibodies of FMD Alfonso Clavijo, NCAD/CFIA-ACIA Canada
3.4 Current situation of FMD in the world Maristela Pituco, Reference Laboratory PANAFTOSA-OPS/OMS
Tools and approaches for mitigating the risk and surveillance of FMD
Moderator: Alejandro Rivera, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO

4.1 Tools and Strategies to face Emergencies in Animal Health Cristóbal Zepeda, APHIS-USDA, USA and president of the OIE Scientific Commission
4.2 The update of the SivCont for a new stage in the regional surveillance of vesicular diseases Lia Buzanovsky, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO
The experience of the European Union as FMD free without vaccination
Moderator: Manuel Sánchez Vásquez, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO

5.1 Presentation and Introduction of EuFMD Keith Sumption, Secretary of the European Commision for the Control of FMD  & Maria de la Puente, Especialist in Risk Management, EuFMD Commission
5.2 Historical approach of the European Union to eradicate FMD Keith Sumption, Secretary of the European Commision for the Control of FMD, EuFMD Commission
5.3 FMD risk for Europe and its mitigation Keith Sumption, Secretary of the European Commision for the Control of FMD, EuFMD Commission
5.4 Emergency Preparedness: The training approach of EuFMD Maria de la Puente, Especialist in Risk Management, EuFMD Commission, EuFMD Commission
5.5 Tools for a better preparedness to Emergencies and Contingency Plans: GET Prepared and EuFMDis Maria de la Puente, Especialist in Risk Management, EuFMD Commission, EuFMD Commission
Presentation of the three best poster works 1 - Identifying areas of risk of lowered immunity against foot-and-mouth disease virus in Ecuador using ecological niche models.
Presented by Andrés Alejandro Vaca Granja (Regulatory Agency and Plant and Animal Health Issues Control (AGROCALIDAD)
  2 - Active surveillance strategy to mitigate the risk of re-introduction of foot-and-mouth disease in Rio Grande do Sul, based on a multi-criteria risk assessment.
Presented by Lucila Carboneiro dos Santos (Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development of Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil)
  3 - Forum proximity as a risk factor: analysis of networks applied to biosecurity schemes for foot-and-mouth disease.
Presented by Jeisson Andres Prieto Velandia (School of Veterinary Medicine – National Universidad UNAL)
Closure of the Seminar  
Video (3:28')