Home Visas and Vaccines

Visas and Vaccines


The issuance of entry visas is the exclusive competence and sovereignty of each nation. Every country uses different criteria and requirements for the entry and stay of foreigners in their territories, and there is no interference of foreign authorities in this matter. 

It should be remembered that the required requirements may vary depending on the purpose of the trip. The classification for purposes of exemption and compulsory visa for entry to the national territory has been changing due to matters of national interest, in accordance with the bilateral and multilateral agreements signed, in accordance with the Guatemalan migration policy and the policies that are promoted with the Central American region.

Consult the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala.


Requirements regarding vaccines may vary from country to country and also over time. Before traveling, check these requirements at the Embassy or Consulate of the country you want to go to.

In general, the required vaccines aim at the protection of the country's population and not necessarily that of the traveler. The recommended vaccines aim at protecting the traveler. For this reason, the recommended and required vaccines are not always the same.

Compulsory vaccinations: Yellow Fever (A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travelers from countries at risk of yellow fever transmission, even if flying or calling in these countries)

Usually recommended vaccines: Hepatitis A, Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis, Viral Triple. (In many countries these vaccines are part of the vaccine schedule)
