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Presentations and Resolutions of Cosalfa 44


Opening session  Luis Eduardo Pacifici Rangel, Secretary of Agricultural Defense, representing the
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply,
Blairo Maggi;
Governor of the State of Goiás, Marconi Perillo;
Director de PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO, Ottorino Cosivi;
President Pro tempore de la COSALFA 43, Eduardo Barre;
Representative of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil, Décio Coutinho;
Director of Animal Health Department (DSA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, Guilherme H. Figueiredo Marques;
President of Agrodefesa of Goiás, Arthur Toledo;
President of Fund for the Development of the Agriculture of the State of Goiás (FUNDEPEC-Goiás), Alfredo Luiz Correia.

Secretary’s Report ex Officio- Countries and Projects. Alejandro Rivera, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO
- Laboratory of Production. Julio Pompei, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO
- Reference Laboratory. Rossana Allende, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO

Sanitary situation of the National Programs for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Manuel Sanchez
Report on Pre COSALFA International SeminarAlejandro Rivera, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHOPDF
Progress and challenges of the National Program of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in BrazilGuilherme H. Figueiredo Marques, Director, Animal Health Department – MAPA/Brazil
Progress in the countries without recognized FMD status- Venezuela. Ana Méndez, Coordinator of the Program of Foot-and-mouth Disease, INSAI
 - Surinam. Astrid van Sauers, Veterinary Officer Disease Surveillance, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Fisheries
Current the risk of Virus C in the South America Region
 Alejandro Rivera, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO
Regional bank of antigens/vaccines of COSALFA
 Ottorino Cosivi, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO
Recommendations for the management of exogenous strains virus on FMD to the
 Rossana Allende, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO
Funding the FA activities and maintenance of the database in free status zones and countries without vaccination
 Introduction to the theme: Julio Pompei, PANAFTOSA-PAHO/WHO 
Moderador: Júlio Pompei

Representatives of private sector of:
- Argentina. Ricardo Burgos, CRA
- Brazil. Décio Coutinho, CNA
- Colombia. Aura Maria Duarte Rojas, CNCL

Representatives of public sector of:
- Ecuador. Javier Vargas, Agrocalidad
- Paraguay. Hugo Idoyaga, SENACSA
- Uruguay. Eduardo Barré, MGAP

Project IDB
Support training program of Veterinary Services of the countries of the Southern Cone, to face the PHEFA's final stage
 Javier Ernesto Suárez Hurtado, President Pro Tempore de CVP.


The contribution of organizations to regional activities in supporting the
Moderador: Eduardo Álvarez
 • Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/ United States Department of Agriculture (APHIS/USDA). Marc C. Gilkey, Regional Manager for the Latin America and Caribbean
• Andean Community (AC) - Rosa Guerrero, Responsible for Animal Health
• Permanent Veterinary Committee of the Southern Cone (PVC) - Javier Ernesto Suárez Hurtado, President Pro Tempore
• Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - Deyanira Barrero, Animal Production and Health Officer
• Inter-American Group for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (GIEFA) - Sebastião Guedes, President of GIEFA
• Inter-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture (IICA) – Jaime Romero, International Specialist, Office in Peru
• World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) - Emerio Serrano Ramírez, Sub-Regional Representative for Central America
• International Regional Organisation for Plant and Animal Health (OIRSA) – Abelardo De Gracia, Animal
Health Officer
Presentation, discussion and approval of resolutionsResolutions
